This is also Easter weekend. Well sort of. This is one of those years that the weekend we celebrate Easter and when we should celebrate it don't match up. So next month we will celebrate Passover along with the other feasts at the right time. Blake's explanation of why we are celebrating twice this year is great. To think that a seven year old gets how the feasts and the Crucifixion and Resurrection go together while most adult Christians can't. Insights of a child are great.
On Saturday we went to the Egg Hunt at church and the kids had a great time. Again I forgot the camera. I realized this on the way and Josh told the kids not to do anything memorable that should go into a scrapbook. Saturday night we had our Shabbat meal. Blake requested lamb and even though we had just had it I was happy to oblige.
On Sunday we went to church and then to Josh's parents for lunch. We then went home and did a little something to celebrate Purim. Since I wasn't feeling all that great I scrapped most of what I had planned and we watched the VeggieTales Esther story while eating popcorn. The kids had their noisemakers and even though it wasn't exactly what was planned it was still fun. Next year I better not be 8 months pregnant and will feel better.

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