Every time I fed the baby that night I would look at her and not feel at peace with the name. She didn't look like a Meira. But I had no other names in mind and we had to decide. The next morning I was in the shower and the name Hannah came to me. I started to think of who Hannah was in the Bible and how she came to that point where she knew she had to give everything completely to the Lord. I started to think of the last year and a half of my life. From having a cyst removed to then having to go back in a month and having an ovary removed due to possible pre-cancerous cells. To getting pregnant right away to then losing that baby in miscarriage. To watching a close friend of mine dealing with losing a friend to cancer and wondering if maybe I should just be content with the two healthy children I have and take every precaution necessary to avoid dealing with that awful disease. This last year had many ups and downs but I still knew He would always be faithful. Hannah was the name!!!
I jumped out of the shower and asked Josh if he liked this better. He said he liked it better than Meira but after the decision was made I think we both felt like this was the name for our baby girl.
The middle name Ilana is actually my Dr.s first name. This was a name I had been thinking about for a middle name and actually had a dream before I even knew I was pregnant that we had a girl and her middle name was Ilana. Hannah really wanted Dr. Kirsch to deliver her. As soon as she heard Dr. Kirsch was going on vacation she decided she wanted out. I'm also very grateful that she is one of the only Dr.s who will still do a VBAC. She has saved me from 2 very unnecessary surgeries so far. The picture below is of Dr. Kirsch holding Hannah.