Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Will Not Forget

Do you ever take pictures in your mind? Do you have those moments that are some how etched in like it was just yesterday? Maybe it's a smell, a song, or a picture that can take you to a moment in the past. I like to take pictures...in my mind. Over the years the Lord has led me to take pictures of some things and I have no idea why. But lately some of that is starting to make sense.

Many times the things the Lord has me take mental pictures of involves being a wife or a mother. I just had one of those experiences this past weekend. We were out of town. We had been in the car for about four hours with 90 minutes of that being parked while doing school in the van. The kids did well. There had been a couple of incidents but overall things were good. We decided to go out for dinner and after a 20 minute wait we were seated. We picked Mexican since we know never-ending chips from the get go is always great when dining with 3 hungry, tired kids. Once the food came H decided she wanted my meal and did not want her chips and the little bit of rice and beans I had given her. She continued to shriek at the top of her lungs and throw her chips on the floor. Now those of you who know H are probably thinking I'm lying right now since 95% of the time she is this cute little angel. Well she has definitely found her opinion and while she doesn't show it much, when she does you better watch out. I was trying to get her calmed down but at the same time had to discipline her. Across from me there was a woman who I'm guessing was out with her husband while all of her teenagers were at their activities for the night. She had such a look of annoyance on her face that I just wanted to crawl under the table. I finally picked up H and took her outside for a walk. The Lord had me take a picture.

I never want to forget what it is like. When all of my kids are grown and out of the house how am I going to encourage younger women if I have no recollection of life with small children? This is the Titus 2 calling.

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