What is more fun than family, a cookout, cupcakes, and opening presents on your birthday? If you have all those things at the beach which is exactly what Liah wanted. Uncle Tim, Aunt Melodie, Evie, and Grandma and Grandpa Ostrom all joined us to celebrate.

When did she get so big? I don't think she has an ounce of baby fat left on her and no more baby belly.

Here is the next pro-surfer in the making.

Baby feet in the sand. Nothing is cuter.

Cousins planning out their sand castle lay out.

Evie, Are you building the castle or tearing it down? I'm not sure.

Blake spent most of his time in the Cold water. I was shivering just watching him.

Mixing the perfect mixture for sand castle building.

"Can we live on the beach forever?"
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