1. Your "I will never give up." attitude. When you were a baby this was wearing on me but now I'm seeing the fruit of it.
2. Your blond curly hair.
3. The fact that you are such a girly girl and a tom boy all at the same time. Not too many girls I know go hunting for frogs with the boys wearing a pink dress with bow to match.
4. The way you like your back tickled.
5. The fact that you tell me you never want to get married because you want to live with mommy and daddy forever. I have a feeling this feeling won't last for long.
6. Your love for shopping---especially for shoes. You are a girl after my own heart.
7. Your excitement about learning and doing school.
8. Your stories.
9. The way you love your brother and new sister.
10. Because I can't sum up everything I love about you in ten ways and couldn't in a million either.
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