Our little Lovebird is 3 months old! She is past the fussiness of her newborn days and is more adorable by the day. She still loves to be on the move whether it's in her swing, bouncy seat, stroller, or the Baby Bjorn.

She gives us the biggest toothless smiles and has started to laugh.

She is still little and is wearing 0-3 month clothes and probably will be for awhile.

Lovebird is also learning to love tummy time.....sort of. She is
VERY strong and can already scoot herself. It's never in any intentional direction but the mobility is definitely starting. Mommy and Daddy are not ready for this! She still prefers to be upright rather than on her tummy and has started to master sitting in the Bumbo chair. It is quite the work out for those little stomach muscles but everyday she can sit longer and longer in it. She has also started to love bath time and will kick and squeal with delight when she's in the water. I can't wait to take her swimming this summer. She's getting so big!
That one shot of her looks so much like your third child!!!! So cute!