"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mom, Can I have a Peanut Butter sandwich yet?

Sunday, April 27, 2008
First Bottle

Friday, April 25, 2008
4 weeks and special PJ's

The pajamas she is wearing is one of Josh's favorites for a very special reason. When Blake was born Josh's Grandma Elliott gave us a pack of pajamas that had many different colors...including pink. So the pink pairs were packed away in case we ever had a girl. When Liah was born I tried to put her in them but from the start she was too big. Her legs were too long. When I was getting clothes organized a couple of months ago I almost didn't even put these pajamas in the drawer since they are so small and meant for a baby with very short legs. Since Hannah was a month early and such a little peanut (with short, little legs) they fit her perfectly and the first time she wore them I thought of Grandma Elliott immediately. In May will be the one year anniversary of her going home to be with the Lord so it's nice that Hannah has a special present from Grandma Elliott that had never been worn by the other kids.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Liah's New Favorite Activity and Her Curly Hair
Liah is on this huge puzzle kick. This has been the perfect activity for her with the new baby. I love her "I'm going to do this myself." attitude. Liah is our strong willed child which when she was little was very frustrating and tiring but as she gets older has turned into such a blessing. She loves doing "school" and never gives up on anything. The puzzle above has 70 pieces and she did it all by herself. She loved the fact that the box said 5 and up and she's only 3.
And now about Liah's hair.......I really don't know what to do with it. In this pic. it's pretty tame but in high humidity it can get these tight "Shirley Temple" curls or somewhere in between. I'm also growing her bangs out and they are at that difficult stage. I can't wait to see her hair long with her curls which I do love by the way. It's just that I already spend so much time on her hair in the morning and if Hannah has the same curls I don't see how I'll ever get out of the house before noon again. If anyone who has curly hair has any suggestions please let me know?

And now about Liah's hair.......I really don't know what to do with it. In this pic. it's pretty tame but in high humidity it can get these tight "Shirley Temple" curls or somewhere in between. I'm also growing her bangs out and they are at that difficult stage. I can't wait to see her hair long with her curls which I do love by the way. It's just that I already spend so much time on her hair in the morning and if Hannah has the same curls I don't see how I'll ever get out of the house before noon again. If anyone who has curly hair has any suggestions please let me know?
Use Your Senses

We have been studying the 5 senses in science and had a fun family game night to finish the unit up. The kids were blindfolded and had to guess noises, smells, and tastes. At first Blake was a little reluctant to let me put different foods in his mouth without seeing them first but after telling him to trust me and that I wouldn't make him taste things I knew he didn't like he relaxed and had a great time. This picture of the two of them cracks me up.
Monday, April 21, 2008

"When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table, and he said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God." Luke 22:14-16
Our Passover Seder was a great time of reflection and fellowship. Josh's parents came over to celebrate with us which the kids were excited about. At the end of the meal the kids went out to find the Afikoman and this year Liah found it. She was very proud that she found it before her older brother. And now the start of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Monday, April 14, 2008
First Bath

Daddy's Last Day Home
It was so nice last Friday and it was Josh's last day off of work so we decided to take the kids to the zoo in the afternoon.
The kids favorite thing to look at is always the tigers. We came at nap time as you can see.
I forgot to get a picture of Liah's outfit. You can kind of see it here. She put together the cutest outfit with a dress that was a little too short with jeans underneath and completed the ensemble with her jean jacket and flip flops. She is quite the fashion diva. Next time I'll make sure to get a close up of it on her.
Hannah was not at all impressed by Potawatami zoo and chose to sleep the whole time in the Bjorn carrier. It was kind of windy and she didn't like when I uncovered her face to get this pic. as you can tell by her gasping for air close-up.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
2 week
Hannah had her 2 week appt. and here are the new measurements.
Height: 20 in.
Weight: 7lbs 2oz
I forgot to ask about the percent but the Dr. did make the comment that she stayed on the chart.
She also finally lost her umbilical cord last Sunday.(4/6)
Height: 20 in.
Weight: 7lbs 2oz
I forgot to ask about the percent but the Dr. did make the comment that she stayed on the chart.
She also finally lost her umbilical cord last Sunday.(4/6)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
First Tooth Lost

A very special Shabbat meal
Thursday, April 3, 2008
One Week

Height: 20 in.
Percentile Overall: 10%

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A Year Ago.....
It's a Baby Boom
So this was the week of babies. A friend of mine had a baby boy on the same day that I had Hannah. Anderson Windsor(Sp?) is adorable and yes marriage has already been discussed. This is Adam and Carrie's fourth child. This is so crazy to me. A year ago they adopted three children from Africa and I don't think ever thought they would be having a baby just a year later. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Adam and Carrie amaze me at how they have transitioned from being just the two of them to now a family of six. I hope Carrie doesn't get upset that I posted this pic. Considering she had a c-section just two days prior I think she looks amazing.
Two days after we were discharged from the hospital we were headed back. Another set of friends had a baby boy,Joshua Michael. Josh of course approved of the name. This is Tanya and Jeff's first. Joshua is also very adorable.

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