So I've realized that I've failed miserably on blogging this year, especially over the summer. The summer that flew by so fast that I still can't comprehend that our yard is covered in leaves and tomorrow we are heading out to the pumpkin patch. But I really feel bad that I haven't even mentioned that baby #4 is on the way. Ummm.....actually on the way possibly in a few short weeks. I'm determined to get back to blogging like I was. This is my record of life and I don't want huge holes in it! I can barely remember what I had for lunch today. Wait, did I eat lunch today? OK so I don't want to forget the huge details in life along with the small. So my goal is to do a quick over view in the next couple of days of what I've missed and then start fresh. That's my goal......we'll see if it happens.
So, I rushed over to find out if Baby is here :) It's pathetic that I have to check the blog to learn that, isn't it? Anyway, I hope all is well and life is wonderfully full. I want to bring you a meal!