So I'm trying desperately to catch up so I'm calling this post Summer Recap. The summer was absolutely, wonderfully hot and we spent a lot of time outdoors. More importantly we spent many days at the beach!

We celebrated L's 6th birthday.

Her horse cake was just what she wanted.

We picked blueberries with friends.

OK so it was really humid so we didn't pick all that many but it was still fun.

We enjoyed Ludington as usual.

The boys learned how to skim board.

We fished with daddy.

And we spent time with cousins.

We went to the kids first fair. H loved this lamb.

We had our first (and hopefully last) broken bone.

We went horseback riding.

B started really getting the hang of skim boarding!

We did some girly crafts.

Mosheh had surgery that took care of his chronic ear problems. Praise the Lord!

We had a few accidents but all in all it was a great summer.

But the biggest change was daddy started working from home full time which is when "Lunch date with Daddy" started. Here H is waiting by the door for J to finish his meeting so she can go out to Bonnie Doons. Each kid can't wait for their turn to come around again! And that is just a small dose of the fun we had this summer. We are already counting down until Family Beach Night will again be in the weekly schedule.
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