- Make teaching my kids first priority.....every day. While we always do school some days I feel like I'm just trying to get through and I really want it to be a fun adventure every day. So some of the changes I'm making is making appointments later in the day, running errands after the kids are in bed or on the weekends, and doing my best at starting on time. I have also started monthly planning for school, meals, and basically life in general. This is making things go much smoother. Someday I would love to be able to do once a month grocery shopping but in this season of life that seems overwhelming to me. Maybe someday it won't.
- Focus on having fun! This kind of goes along with the first goal. I do love to have fun but I'm one of those people that also loves to check things off of a "To Do" list. This makes me not fun at times.
- Bible Study. Last year I was trying to read through the Bible in 90 days with some friends. Then I got pregnant.......and....well....I completely dropped the ball. I hope the ladies I was doing the study with understood because sadly I haven't talked to them much since dropping the ball. This pregnancy I wasn't sick but I was completely and totally exhausted. And it lasted the WHOLE pregnancy. So Josh bought me some great Bible study guides for Christmas and so I'm going through Isaiah right now.
- Reading. Another goal from last year that I completely failed at. I would love to read at least one book a month.
- Be crafty at least one day a month. I love being creative but I feel like I never make time for it.
- Be more intentional in my hospitality. The big thing to keep this goal a reality is to keep the house tidy at ALL times so I can be open to inviting people over whenever the opportunity arrives. Even if it means they will be walking in the door in an hour. That is my goal for housekeeping. That in one hour I can have the house presentable. So far this year I've been doing fairly well at accomplishing this. I don't mean every room in my house has to be spotless but the main areas where we host people do have to be somewhat in order.
- Exercise at least 4 times a week. Isn't this on every one's list?
- Start a new ministry the Lord has laid on my heart. More on this later.
- Have two date nights with my Prince Charming a month. This doesn't mean we have to go out but it does mean we can't watch a movie while he works and I plan for school the next day. That is a pretty lame date night don't you think?
- Keep up with blogging. I want to make sure I have a record of our life when the kids are young. Since I don't have time to keep up with scrapbooking this is the way I need to do it for now. With that, I've decided to give my kids and husband nicknames on my blog. I really don't like doing the first letter of their name thing like I've been doing and I don't like the idea of going back and putting their full names. I almost did this but I still just don't feel quite comfortable with it. So now we will have...........

So this was the only one I couldn't find a good nickname for. I talked with him a lot about possible choices but we never could come up with something we agreed on. For now we'll still use initials but tack on the middle one.

She was given this name by her big brother before she was even born and we haven't used it since she has gotten older. It's good to hear again! Side-note: We really had no idea that she would have such curly hair and I can remember telling her brother that chances are she wouldn't. I guess I was wrong!!!!

This one has a cuddle in her pretty much any time you ask. She gives out hugs and kisses continually and one of my favorite things she says right now is,"Can I kiss the baby?". Whenever anyone leaves our home fellowship she is right there with a hug to say good-bye.
This one like her older sister also loves the cuddles. I think she has been cuddled and held 95% of her life so far. She knows when she has been laid down and will awake immediately if she was sleeping. She has a onesie that says Mommy's Little Lovebird and I love it because she loves to cuddle and her middle name means little bird.
No picture available due to computer issues......and a lazy mommy who doesn't want to upload pictures again at this moment
And my wonderful husband will be referred to as Prince Charming or Prince Geek. He is a Prince Charming but at times I think Prince Geek may fit better. Come on, anyone who enjoys learning new computer programming languages as much as he does is most definitely a geek! But he's a cute geek.