Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Disney 2010

When we planned the Disney 2010 trip in the spring it seemed as though September was SOOOO far away. Because the baby was due in the beginning of December we decided to move up our trip to the fall. We couldn't wait for our two week get away!

The many suitcases packed and ready to go.
Our first night we headed into the Magic Kingdom for an amazing dinner.

Piglet was the first character of the entire trip and we couldn't wait to see how H would react. She absolutely loved them!

H was so wanting to see Mickey and at our Safari breakfast she saw her first one. Doesn't she look amazed?

L with Daisy. Her favorite.

The girls enjoyed their princess breakfast and B was a good sport and enjoyed the food. This trip we had the dining plan so we went to quite a few character meals so we could avoid those lines. J and I agreed this was definitely the way to get autographs and pictures.

H taking a nap in our new decked out double stroller.

One day we headed to NASA.

And then we took the kids to the ocean. The waves were HUGE due to Hurricane Igor so the kids just waded and looked for shells.

Taking a break. I love that we take longer Disney trips so we don't feel like we have to do a whole park in one day. When I see a family that is racing around, dragging kids behind them, and trying to get everything in I feel even more thankful for our relaxed way of doing things.

L enjoying dinner at Ohana. We ate well on this trip.

We spent some time with the dinosaurs.

H was terrified.

H loved the Playhouse Disney breakfast. She spent more time up and dancing than eating.

One nice thing about going to Florida in September rather than January is that you use the pool a whole lot more. Especially when you are seven months pregnant and going to theme parks in sweltering heat!

On one of our last nights we surprised the kids with a Family bike ride on the Boardwalk. Unfortunately the kids were still too short to help us pedal so it was just J and I. There were a few steep hills where I really thought I was going to have the baby right there. H just happened to be sat by the bell which she rang continuously and she also waved at everyone we passed. It was a lot of fun and it is a great memory.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Summer Recap

So I'm trying desperately to catch up so I'm calling this post Summer Recap. The summer was absolutely, wonderfully hot and we spent a lot of time outdoors. More importantly we spent many days at the beach!
We celebrated L's 6th birthday.
Her horse cake was just what she wanted.
We picked blueberries with friends.

OK so it was really humid so we didn't pick all that many but it was still fun.
We enjoyed Ludington as usual.
The boys learned how to skim board.
We fished with daddy.
And we spent time with cousins.
We went to the kids first fair. H loved this lamb.
We had our first (and hopefully last) broken bone.
We went horseback riding.

B started really getting the hang of skim boarding!
We did some girly crafts.

Mosheh had surgery that took care of his chronic ear problems. Praise the Lord!
We had a few accidents but all in all it was a great summer.
But the biggest change was daddy started working from home full time which is when "Lunch date with Daddy" started. Here H is waiting by the door for J to finish his meeting so she can go out to Bonnie Doons. Each kid can't wait for their turn to come around again! And that is just a small dose of the fun we had this summer. We are already counting down until Family Beach Night will again be in the weekly schedule.


So I've realized that I've failed miserably on blogging this year, especially over the summer. The summer that flew by so fast that I still can't comprehend that our yard is covered in leaves and tomorrow we are heading out to the pumpkin patch. But I really feel bad that I haven't even mentioned that baby #4 is on the way. Ummm.....actually on the way possibly in a few short weeks. I'm determined to get back to blogging like I was. This is my record of life and I don't want huge holes in it! I can barely remember what I had for lunch today. Wait, did I eat lunch today? OK so I don't want to forget the huge details in life along with the small. So my goal is to do a quick over view in the next couple of days of what I've missed and then start fresh. That's my goal......we'll see if it happens.